Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteering with UFX is a great way to build relationships in UFX and across the broader industry, develop new skills and demonstrate deliverability of outcomes.

UFX would like to hear from individuals that are highly creative and motivated, and interested in the following opportunities.

Urban and Regional Planners Volunteers (x2)

Volunteers will be asked to:

·        Attend UFX events (in person or online)

·        Prepare Urban Updates with guidance from UFX Board members.

·        Join policy discussions and contribute to submissions with guidance from UFX Board members.

Video and Audio Recording Volunteer (s)

Volunteers will be asked to:

·        Record UFX panel sessions with UFX provided recording equipment.

·        Publish the following products on our website and on various social media platforms:

o   Full videos of events

o   Audio only from events.

o   5-10 min video ‘snapshots’ from events.

Digital Content Volunteer (s)

Volunteers will be asked to:

·        Utilise UFX collateral and information

·        Produce short and sharp videos / clips for publication on key social media platforms

·        Collaborate with video recording volunteer(s)

·        Potentially to develop new design collateral for UFX

UFX embraces experimentation and innovation. Volunteers will have freedom to explore and develop innovative and high quality content for our audience. UFX is also very flexible, and products can be generated in a flexible way.

UFX is a volunteer-based organisation. We value volunteers and their time and skill. Volunteering with UFX will likely require 2-3 hours a month of your time.

It’s important to note, volunteers will need to become individual members of UFX.

Please email contact@ufx.org.au by COB Friday 24 February if you are interested in these volunteer opportunities. Please feel free to add a short introduction / resume..